I love traveling and meeting new people. Story ideas jump out at every turn. After a lot of library and online research, I wanted to get a real life feel for the settings. It's been over 150 years since the American Civil War, but some things remain the same. Nassau, the Bahamas, where many blockade runners temporarily called home, is still low lying with a gentle uphill rise. The sky and water are gorgeous blues and turquoise. Unusual trees and vegetation have their own distinct fragrances, and the Caribbean breeze is balmy and pleasant. I took a cruise to see the ocean and feel the air as Beau and C.C. might have experienced them when they made their run to Wilmington, North Carolina. Thankfully, we didn't have to play hide and seek with Union cruisers. As you read THE TROUBLE WITH MISBEHAVING, I hope these pictures help you imagine how this part of the world might have been in 1864.